Medications aren't work? You want to know this.

Medications aren't work? You want to know this.

Here is where to start to feel good again - Reduce anxiety, optimize thyroid, lower inflammation, and lose weight.

Q: I don’t feel good. I have been on a small dose on anxiety medication and on thyroid medications but I am still struggling to lose weight, feel really uncomfortable in my body, and exhausted. Also, my hair is falling out. What should I do?

Without knowing much - I would recommend:

  • Diving into what may be causing inflammation

    • Any time our hormones are out of whack, have mood swings, intense anxiety or depression, trouble losing weight, and/or exhausted is a SIGN that there is INFLAMMATION present in your body.

Here are FIVE things you can do TODAY to reduce inflammation.

Do them daily and you will start to feel better!

Need more accountability and find out how to sustainably add these things to your unique lifestyle? Message me now.

  1. Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water + 1/2tsp of sea salt

  2. Walk 20 minutes or more a day

  3. SLOW down - how you eat, how you think, how you get up from the toilet seat

  4. BREATHE - set a reminder on your phone to take 3 slow inhales and exhales

  5. Skip the booze, at least Monday-Thursday… Alcohol disrupts sleeps, causes extreme anxiety and overthinking, headaches, low motivation, and more

    • Instead, drink mocktails! Message me for fun recipes.

What foods could help me lower inflammation?

  • High fiber foods:

    • Brussel sprouts

    • Sweet potatoes

    • Broccoli sprouts

  • Healthy fats:

    • Salmon

    • Flax seeds

    • Walnuts

  • Best fruits:

    • Blueberries

    • Cherries

    • Strawberries

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