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What does routine mean to you? Does it bring a sense of comfortability, which may lead to boredom? Does it create a more calming environment to your everyday life? Does it bring sense of control? Do you love routine or do you shrivel when you think about having structure?
I invite you to take a deeper look into your relationship with routine to help you understand why it may not be so “monotonous”…. Can you find a balance in having a routine + time to be freely creative? Absolutely.
Life is about finding a nice balance for YOU and your wellbeing… balancing alone time, relationships, family + work. Finding balance with routine and adventure.
In our current time, our view of balance has completely been overhauled… We may be seeing that we were overworking, overtraining, not spending enough time with the ones we love, putting bandaids on wounds we kept trying to bury down that are now coming to the surface and we can no longer ignore. So how do we balance “everything”? In routine. Here is how that could look for you….
“Routine = Happiness” - Dalai Lama
Working from Home Routine Recommendation
Morning ritual to start your day with a BANG and a bedtime ritual to soothe the mind + body
Get dressed in real clothes, which helps the mind know it is time for work + focus
Start with your most important + energy expensive projects
Take a scheduled 30-minute screen free lunch & dinner to optimize digestion + restore mood and energy
Implement 45-mins of movement like walks, circuit training, or yoga
Set time boundaries when online and offline
Open time for creativity! What brings you joy, peace and nourishment?
This is key! In routine, we can give ourselves space and freedom to have time for creativity, do things we love, set time aside to be with loved ones and have new experiences.
Last important note:
Not everyday is going to be “perfect”, some days you may feel unmotivated, unenergized, uninspired, and that is okay. Perhaps, you can go a little slower that day, take an extra long lunch break, do something that may have not been “planned” but feels like a charming activity. When having rules… we know how to break them… so if you are working in routine, remind yourself of the 80/20 rule. You are not a machine, you are human, let yourself find peace in the structure and creativity in openness.
Extra tips on how to create a happier, more productive working from home lifestyle:
Designated work area
Just like your bedroom should be a sacred space (for more about sleep click here), your work area should also be a designated area. Even if it just on the other side of the room in a different chair. Humans thrive in routine and habits, so establishing a place for “work only” will help your mind stayed focused. Bonus: If you have the space to set up a full desk area. :)
90/10 rule
90 minutes of work + 10-15 minutes of free time
The human brain focuses best for 90 minutes with a break after. Feel free to play a game, step outside, turn on some music and dance, make a cup of tea, or drink a nice big glass of water!
Reminder to step outside
GET OUTSIDE! Even if it is chilly, walk out the door, reach up to the sky and stretch, and take a few big deep breaths.
This will help with energy levels, getting oxygen and blood flowing through the body to help with focus and reduce tension, and it will help you sleep better. So breathe in that beautiful fresh air.
Most important, energy consuming tasks in beginning of day, as stated above
What is most important project? Before getting to too many emails and distractions, what is a non-negotiable for the day?
Knowing that every day is not going to go as perfectly as planned because most days probably won’t! Have structure in place is great way to keep yourself accountable. However, some days we might feel “off”, which is a natural human experience. Practice being kind to yourself, notice how you are talking to yourself, and reframe the conversation in your head. Maybe you only work a half day, take an extra long morning, or you just go slower than normal. Better yet, if it can be done tomorrow… take this day to adventure, do what feels magical, perhaps a warm bath? A new fun baking recipe? Sitting outside with a cup of tea and your puppy?