NOURISH - The Blog

Do’s & Don’ts of Detox

Learn HOW TO detox properly so you can have more energy & lose weight

Best cooking oils

Here are the top oils to use when cooking & what to avoid

How to lose weight over 40

Ditch diets! Start here to lose belly fat & feel confident looking in the mirror

Stop wasting $ on supplements

Read this to learn what to do instead for you (fill in the blank) problem

Here is how to get your energy back

Start by adding one of these things a day! You got this. Simple = Sustainable

Feel energized this season

Implement these easy tips to have energy & holiday joy!

Optimize your sleep

3 Key Factors to fall asleep & stay asleep

Medications aren't work?

This is what you can do next to actually feel better.

Dismissed By Your Doctor?

Here is where to start to feel good again

Balance Your Blood Sugar

Here is where to start for balancing blood sugar

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Implement these easy tips to get off blood pressure medications

Anxiety: Tools for a calmer mind

Use these tools to reduce anxiety & feel better

Inflammation: Your hormones are out of whack

Plus, how to reduce inflammation to balance your hormones

3 Common Hormone Imbalances

Do you have them + What you can do about it

Eating healthy but not seeing results?

Common weight loss & hormone mistakes.

Does Your Liver Need a Detox?

Your liver & body have been created as a perfectly oiled machine to support you.

Three Myths About Hormones

Here is exactly how to balance your hormones to reduce anxiety and increase happiness


Get rid of bloat by having fun - This is NOT a joke

Sleep and Your Gut

Learn how to sleep better now

Foods for Your Gut

Add to your diet to improve your gut

Angry Gut?

4 Signs Your Gut is MAD

Castor Oil Pack

Is it the magical cure?


Friend or foe?

Hunger Hormone Support

Protein, what is all the hype about?

Gut & immune system

Learn how to optimize your gut & immune system at the same time!

Feel energized & happy

Want to reduce headaches & pain in body?

Salt is GOOD for me?!

Yes and read more why you need to add NOW!


World of Supplements

Do we need them? If so, why? And which ones?

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Foods for a Better Mood

Eat for joy! Here is how.


Age gracefully

Check out seven ways to easily support aging

Gut Health & Inflammation

What’s the connection?

Type 2 Diabetes

It can be reversible


Brain Health + Memory Support

5 Vitamins that will help

Root Causes +Tips: Constipation

It isn’t just about eating more fiber


Holiday Nutrition Tips + Tricks

Eight ways to survive the holidays


The Best Diet to Follow

Why calorie counting and diets don’t work

Fill Up on Salad

Two questions I frequently get asked


Why is Infertility on The Rise

A personal note + myths and truths


What I do + How I do it.

Personal training, therapeutic nutrition, and functional medicine.


Root causes and possible solutions.

Estrogen Dominance

Could you be at risk? 

Attention: Picky Eaters

How to sneak nutrients into every day eats.

Do You Have That Burning Sensation?

Why most Americans have acid reflux.

Birth Control, Friend or Foe?

Could the birth control be causing chaos in your body?

Beauty + Hygiene Product Recommendations

Do you know what is hiding in your skincare regime?

Are you ready to get wet?

Could you be making this mistake? Hydrate!

What You Don't Know About Anxiety + Depression

Anxiety + depression are not the final part of the story, what you can do to shift your mood?

Day 3 Instagram Post Alex Casini Wellness.jpg

More productivity? Sign me up.

Tips on how to implement structure, productivity + adventure. Stay focused and free.


Sleep Better + Wake Up Happier

Tired of being tired? Learn WHY and HOW to get better sleep sleep tonight!

New and IMPROVED Care Package

How we can support our troops with healthy + fun care package ideas!

The "PERFECT" Storm. Why the US is at a higher risk and what you can do to help it.

Knowledge is power. Learn what you can do to improve your health and why it is important. New York Times article review.

Are you feeling "off"?

Hypothyroidism is a top under diagnosed illness. Could you be one of those people?

Immune health

Holistic Medicine: OPTIMIZE Immune System

What nutrients are you missing from your diet?

Working Out? What Do I Eat And When?!

Find out what to eat to optimize workout performance and results.

Functional Medicine

What Is Functional Medicine?

Learn how to stay out of the doctors office.

What Do YOU Need?

Diet, needs, lifestyle - health is different for everyone. So what do you need?