I am eating healthy but I am not seeing results... Here is why!

I am eating healthy but I am not seeing results... Here is why!

  • Prioritize protein

This means to get protein on your plate for EVERY meal. This helps balance hormones, reduces cravings and keeps you full!

  • Cutting out carbs

If you cut out carbs, it can cause fatigue… which makes us cranky and causes more cravings, which leads us to giving up and/or overeating when unnecessary.

Not all carbs are created equal! Email me back for a free handout to learn more about this.

  • Not eating enough

We are all taught that if you want to lose weight you must eat less and workout more. This is not necessarily the case. In fact, when we don’t eat enough, our body thinks it is starving and causes us to hold on to excess body fat! YIKES!

  • NEAT:

    Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that does not include sleeping, eating, or exercise; and ranges from simple things like standing and fidgeting to moving about.

You are not moving enough throughout the day! How can you move a little more?

  • Consistency

Have you tried a ton of things to lose weight but nothing sticks? That is because you aren’t changing your relationship with food and/or your lifestyle. It takes about 6 weeks or more to see sustainable changes.

Part 2

Not sleeping 7-9 hours

Sleep is crucial for weight loss & hormone balance.

Trouble sleeping? Message me ASAP because this is essential for:

  • Hormone balance

  • Reduce pain

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Lower anxiety & anger

  • Increase patience

  • Energy, duh ;)

  • Focus

  • Creativity

  • Happiness

  • Weight loss


Drinking too much alcohol

You do not have to cut out alcohol completely. However, if you are looking to lose weight & balance hormones - alcohol consumption could be getting in your way.

Cutting out sweets

If you cut out a food group, chances are that you will want it even more. So instead… find healthier alternatives that help you feel more balance and less restrictive. One of my favorite easy grab & go snacks/desserts is - blueberries, walnuts & dark chocolate chips!


It is true… when you are stress, overwhelmed, or anxious… this puts your body into the sympathetic nervous system mode and your body CANNOT function well in that mode. So if you want to lose weight & feel great - time to swap or add things that relax the body so you can burn fat & feel awesome!

Giving up on the weekend  

Weekends (Saturday & Sunday) make up about 25% of the month… so if you are “good” during the week but “bad” on the weekend:

  • Stop using the words “good”, “bad” or “cheat meals”

  • Find a diet (nutrition lifestyle) that you do NOT need a weekend/break from

  • Dive deeper into why this is the case, what can you change in order to stay more consistent throughout the weeks so you can see results

If you struggle to find balance without restricting, reach out to me to learn how to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle so you can lose the weight once and for all.