Does your liver need a detox?

Does Your Liver Need a Detox?

Ideally, you never need to “detox”. Your liver & body have been created as a perfectly oiled machine to support you.

However, the problem is we are doing a lot of harmful things daily to our body. Some we CAN control and some we CANNOT. So let’s focus on what we CAN control

Five Reasons We LOVE Our Liver

  1. It escorts toxins, chemicals, and excess hormones OUT of the body to reduce inflammation

  2. It secretes bile to support healthy poops & balance gut health

  3. It converts your hormones to your final form, like your thyroid hormones

    1. Liver health is essential for an optimal thyroid (metabolism, body temperature regulation (think: hot flashes), immune health, energy, and more)

  4. It helps absorb nutrients into the body

    1. Remember, without nutrients our body with not be able to thrive! We need them for:

      1. Energy

      2. Prevent cell damage

      3. Reduce risk of disease

      4. Support optimal mood (reduce anxiety & depression)

      5. Lose weight

      6. Detox our body — FOR LIVER HEALTH!

  5. Helps metabolize protein, fats and carbs

Five Ways to Support Your Liver & Detox

  1. Eat the co-factors to support detox, healthy poops, hormone balance

    1. Extra virgin olive oil

    2. Cruciferous veggies

    3. Garlic

    4. Ginger

    5. Dark leafy greens

    6. High quality protein sources

  2. Reduce stress

  3. Reduce alcohol consumption

  4. Maintain a healthy weight

  5. Exercise regularly — walk! ;)

Do you want to learn how to support your liver in order to balance hormones, lose weight and have more energy? Contact me here to learn how I can best support you!

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