Do You Have That Burning Sensation?
Why Most Americans Have Acid Reflux
Symptoms are a gift from the body… What is your body telling you?
Acid reflux, burning esophagus, burping, indigestion, rosacea, asthma, food allergies… the list goes on! These are all symptoms of LOW stomach acid.
What does that mean?
When you have low stomach acid you are unable to breakdown and absorb many nutrients, including B12 and iron, and protein. If you can’t breakdown and absorb nutrients then they won’t be able to be utilized for fuel + health. You may start to have low energy, poor digestion, constipation, dysfunction with your thyroid, etc…
Acid reflux is rarely TOO much stomach acid… it is typically TOO much stomach in the wrong place. In fact, it usually means you have low stomach acid due to stress, eating too quickly, possible hypothyroidism, and again another list that can go on because the body is interconnected. One system effects the others.
If you have acid reflux here are a few tips that can help alleviate and maybe even get rid of the symptoms. So you can have MORE energy and LESS inflammation, BETTER digestion + mood, and INCREASED nutrient value allowing you to live a longer more fruitful life.
Stress takes over if it is present. Stress lowers all digestive functions, causing symptoms of digestive stress like burping, acid reflux, gas, bloating, and cramping. How can you make today’s meals more peaceful + enjoyable?
Eating hygiene:
Eat slowly: Stress free is the way to be when eating! Let your metabolism work. As mentioned above, if you are stressed the metabolism shuts down because it does not care if you are trying to eat food + digest, it worried about that intense meeting you just had with your boss and cooling down the system!
Chew your food: The smaller the foods the less work your digestion has to do!
Focus on the food, without distractions of screens: Minimal distractions allow the body to rest + digest. Stress will lower stomach acid output causing indigestion, burping, and fatigue.
Don’t drink too much water during meal: It dilutes the stomach acid from working properly.
More than 70% of Americans are low in magnesium, which is responsible for over 300 different biochemical reactions in the body…. This is known to be a root cause of acid reflux… Perhaps get your RBC Magnesium tested and it is recommended to be on the upper half of the reference range. For more information, email me and I have a great handout!
Medications are known to deplete the lining of your gut, weigh heavily on liver for detox, and deplete stomach acid… be aware of these things.
Sluggish thyroid:
Sluggish thyroid, sluggish everything! This includes digestive functions, metabolism, detox, mood, energy, etc…
If you have questions or want to know more! Send me a note. :)