Birth control, friend or foe?

Oh birth control… How you’ve protected us from unwanted pregnancy, “allowed” us to have sex for pleasure, helped us manage painful PMS, and I am sure some other things along the way….. But it is time to get real and point out the effects you have on the body that doctors DON’T tell us….

I could go on about all of the options but I’ll let you use Google for that. I am here to tell you the effect of the pill and how it does not get rid of the problem, it actually masks and causes more chaos in our beautiful bodies. The hormonal IUD, copper IUD, and other options do come with side effects too, if curious feel free to reach out. :)

Painful period pre-pill? Those were symptoms of your body telling you something was OFF. The pill does NOT solve the “problem” it is simply another band-aid to mask what your body is trying to tell you. In fact, the pill is not only masking it, it is causing more dysfunction downstream.

If you have not figured it out already, EVERYTHING is connected in the body. The brain, gut, hormones, etc… With that said, one deficiency in the body will cause a bunch of downstream effects. Let’s take a look how birth control does that:


Depletes zinc, B6, and magnesium. Also been shown to deplete B2, B12, B9 (folate), selenium, CoQ10, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Plus, it depletes stomach acid, which is one of the most important juices of the digestive process.

Does that mean absolutely nothing to you? That is okay, you’re not alone, and that is why I am here to explain what that means for you! Note: In this case, “=” means can lead to

  • Low zinc = anxiety, low immune function, brittle hair + nails, and red bumps on back of arms (keratosis pilaris)

  • Low B6 = Anxiety, PMS, infertility, fatigue, poor digestive health, poor detox

    • Which can also lead to insomnia, depression, mood swings, poor liver function, gallbladder dysfunction

    • Science geeks B6 is an essential cofactor for the biosynthesis of epinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. Serotonin is the precursor for melatonin, so this means birth control —> Low B6 —> Low serotonin —> Low melatonin = poor sleep, mood, focus, energy, etc… seeing the downstream effect yet?

  • Low magnesium = headaches, asthma, allergies, high blood pressure, anxiety, muscle soreness, muscle fatigue, acid reflux, the list goes on because magnesium is responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions in the body and is found in all of your tissues -- but mainly in your bones, muscles, and brain.

    • You must have it for your cells to make energy, for many different chemical pumps to work, to stabilize membranes, and to help muscles relax. That is why the list of conditions that are found related to magnesium deficiency is so long. In fact, there are over 3,500 medical references on magnesium deficiency!

  • Low selenium = poor thyroid health because you need selenium to convert thyroid hormone to its final active form

    • Think not enough thyroid hormone = sluggish thyroid, sluggish everything: mood, energy, bowel movements, metabolism, detox, immune function, etc…

  • Low CoQ10 = Chronic fatigue…. EVERY cell needs CoQ10 to function optimally… this is actually serious people!

  • Low stomach acid = poor digestion + absorption, which means you aren’t getting the nutrients you need for your body to rebuild and thrive optimally… so this can lead to any abnormal symptoms you are experiencing

So hopefully you get the picture now of why birth control is poor for your health. Did you go on birth control to:

  • Help regulate cramps, bloating, painful PMS?

  • Get rid of acne?

  • Have “safe” sex?

  • What was your reason? How can the root reason be solved without putting your body at risk?

Now, take a deeper dive… The bleed that you get when you’re on your period is actually a fake bleed. Why does that matter? I highly recommend following Dr. Jolene Brighten and Dr. Lara Briden. These are two of many doctors who specialize in all things related to menstrual cycles.

Recommendation: Learn about YOUR unique body. Learn how it flows and what it needs to thrive. Your period should NOT be painful. It should come and go, maybe a few slight cramps but overall it should be manageable. I recommend the app Flo. Myself and clients have used it for years. Very easy, simple, and helpful to understand the rhythm of your body and what may need to be adjusted in your lifestyle to promote optimal wellness.

Your period is a beautiful way to understand how your body is perceiving the world. How did you treat your body + self this last month? A real period will tell all…

Bottom line: If you are struggling with mood imbalances, hormonal issues, digestive health, etc… it could be birth control. If you are interested in working together, learning how to potentially get off birth control, and start practicing other methods, let’s connect.