Gut Health + Inflammation

What is the connection?

A healthy gut digests, absorbs, and assimilates for us to have OPTIMAL HEALTH ➡️ lots of energy, joyful mood, high sex drive, smooth perfect poops, a balanced immune system, etc… 

However, if our gut health is NOT up to par… we will start to experience inflammation ➡️ this is where the chaos and disease (high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, cancer, etc…) can begin.

5 signs of gut inflammation: 

  1. Irritable bowel syndrome

➡️ Symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, or both

2. Inflammatory bowel disease

➡️ An umbrella term for several chronic inflammatory conditions such as Crohn’s disease

3. Acne

➡️ Our skin is a direct reflection of what’s going in our gut - we may not always consider this one but it’s an important one

4. Autoimmune conditions

➡️ Typically with autoimmune conditions 4 things are at play

  1. Environmental triggers: Ex. toxins in the air, beauty products, food-like substances, and our water

  2. Weak overwrought immune system

  3. Genetics

  4. Enhanced intestinal permeability (INFLAMMATION IN OUR GUT)

5. Food sensitivities

➡️ YES! Believe it or not, food sensitivities are on the rise! Shout out to me if you need a highly reliable food sensitivity test. Symptoms of food sensitivities can also show up as digestive issues, headaches, teeth grinding, acne, eczema, hives, and more. PLUS - it can show up as gut inflammation! YIKES!

5 top reasons gut inflammation unfolds:

  1. CHRONIC Stress and/or overload - stress suppresses body functions such as digestion, metabolism, immune system, and more. Overtime, this causes inflammation, which leads to a downstream of diseases

  2. Fake foods - foods high in artificial flavors, fried in oxidized oils, chemical preservatives, and high in sugar

  3. Overuse of antibiotics, anti-acids, and/or NSAIDs

  4. Overindulging in alcohol and/or smoking

  5. Toxic overload from the environment, skin products, and cleaning products

5 ways to support gut health + reduce inflammation + restore vitality 

  1. Get high quality and quantity of sleep (7-9 hours, most beneficial hours of sleep are between 10p-2a)

  2. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet, the Mediterranean diet can reduce inflammation, support a healthy microbiome (gut bacteria), and prevent the risk fo chronic diseases

  3. Exercise - research has shown moving your body will support your gut health! Isn’t that fabulous?!

  4. Lower your stress levels - what activities bring out your inner child? Dancing, water colors, jumping on a trampoline, running around with your puppy? Have fun, play

  5. Support digestion - do you have gas, bloating, uneasy bowel movements, or other gut discomfort? Let’s figure out how to best support it

This is why all of my programs (personal training, Nourishing Nutrition, and Gut Health + Hormone Help) include the foundations above to support gut health. It is not just about supporting one section of health or one function of the body ➡️ we must start to focus on the interconnectedness to find sustainable optimal wellness. We must support the unique individual as a whole. Movement, nutrition, and regeneration. After all, you are “only as strong as your weakest player.”

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