SALT: Why you need it now.
Have you heard that salt is bad for you? Or that it can dehydrate you? Bad for blood pressure? You are not alone!
Trust me, I have done TONS of research and have added more salt to my diet and so have my clients. The results have be WONDERFUL! It baffles me why we don’t know this. It does not help that the American Heart Association has claimed that salt is bad for you and for your blood pressure, which in fact is not entirely true.
Yes, sometimes foods HIGH in sodium are not so great for our heart and overall wellness. HOWEVER, pure sea salt and pink Himalayan salt have received a bad // false reputation. It is very important to differentiate salt and processed foods/sodium/trans fats/etc…
You could be low in salt//sodium if you…
Eat a clean diet
Have headaches
Muscle cramps
Water retention
Dry skin
Frequent peeing
Trouble sleeping
So let’s dive into why salt ROCKS and make our food taste WAY better again.
1. Thyroid health: Salt helps balance cortisol, and we need our cortisol (stress hormones) to be balanced in order to ensure proper thyroid function.
2. Hydration // immune function: Water follows salt, so we need salt for our cells to be hydrated! And we need our cells to be lubricated for proper immune system health.
3. Blood pressure: Research has been unable to prove if actual sea salt/ high quality salt leads to high blood pressure. Typically, high blood pressure is a result of stress and/or poor overall diet.
4. Insulin resistance: Salt aids blood sugar control by improving insulin sensitivity.
5. Salt is a natural antihistamine & helps detox bromide out of the body
6. PURE sea salt is essential for proper stomach pH/stomach acid production: Stomach acid is hydrochloric acid and salt is sodium chloride. Proper stomach acid levels are ESSENTIAL for good digestion, absorption of many nutrients like magnesium, B12, iron, and overall health. A lot of us are deficient in stomach acid, which can cause lots of health issues! Concerned about your stomach acid//digestion? Book a complimentary call with me to learn more here.
7. Sleep quality: Salt supports anti-stress and anti-excitatory qualities due to its suppression of stress hormones and it increasing of the metabolic rate.
8. Salt can support hunger hormones: Salt adds a satiety factor to food and makes food more enjoyable, which can help mindful eating and weight management.
9. Balances hormones: “When your sodium levels drop, or potassium levels rise, your body signals your adrenal glands to release aldosterone into your blood. Aldosterone signals your kidneys to reabsorb sodium into the blood, and acts on your sweat glands to reduce sodium loss through sweat.”
“Himalayan salt is particularly beneficial for the adrenal glands which sit atop our kidneys and are responsible for the production of a variety of different hormones. The trace minerals act as catalysts for chemical reactions that happen within the body, including those associated with the adrenal glands.”
Think: This will support metabolism, stress levels, immune function, and more!
What salt is best?
Pink Himalayan, Redmond’s, Celtic Sea Salt are all high in mineral profiles and can support the above
How much salt should I eat?
HIGH QUALITY SALT is the key here.
Listen to your body.
Start with 1/4tsp 2x/day and see how you feel.
Do you pee less? (This is because water may actually be able to get INTO the cell)
Do you have more energy?
Better sleep?
Less headaches & muscle cramps?