Foods for a Better Mood
Did you know 90% of serotonin is released in the gut? So your nutrition choices affect your motivation levels.
Let me further explain + give you examples of foods that negatively and positively affect your mood.
Serotonin is a hormone and neurotransmitter. It is in charge of your happiness, motivation, levels of self control, bowel movements, and more.
Meaning what you eat has a DIRECT correlation on your mood!
So if you have been feeling depressed, anxious, or stressed - it could be your diet! If you are experiencing PMS, PCOS, fatigue, anger, gut issues - it could be your diet!
Top foods that negatively affect your mood:
Trans Fats: Packaged snacks, cakes, typically called “hydrogenated fats” on ingredient label
Energy Drinks
Refined Carbohydrates: White flour, white bread, white pasta
Top foods that positively affect your mood:
Foods high in fiber: Like beans and greens
Chia, Pumpkin & Hemp Seeds
Eat the Rainbow: Vegetables & fruits, berries are some of the top choices
Dark Chocolate: Get HIGH quality
Fermented Foods