Castor Oil Packs - Are they really the magical solution?
What is a castor oil pack?
Castor oil is a pressed vegetable oil from the castor bean.
I purchased my pack from Queen of Thrones - high quality, cold pressed, organic, no heavy metals or toxins!
It is a cloth with castor oil that you tie around your body, typically around the liver, to support function in the body.
What does it do?
Word is that this is magic!
But is that really true?
This can help the whole body detox & heal. (See below for my experience so far).
It can help:
Absorption (getting nutrients into the cells)
Elimination (pooping, releasing toxins from body)
Antioxidant improvement (support aging and prevent cancer)
Inflammation regulation
Tension and stress reduction
Microbiome balance (by breaking down biofilm)
How do you use it & my experience:
Day One:
I felt an immediate sensation of relaxation
Within an hour my abdomen started making noises and I could feel things moving around
Within about 3 hours I was RUSHING to the bathroom
Supposedly, this is a normal side effect as it is promoting better bile flow and detox by relaxing all vessels including bile ducts
However, I HIGHLY recommend being by a bathroom
Day Two:
The next day, SAME thing
Day Three:
I thought, “How could this happen again on the third day? No way.”
I decided to sleep with it because I read it was good for sleep - BAD IDEA
Woke up around 12am running to bathroom
This is why I try everything before recommending to clients
Here is a perfect video on how to use it!
What I saw change:
Less bloating
Better bowel movements
Was sluggish the first day but after the 3 days of it I felt A LOT more energy
I started my period and continuing it while on your period is not a good idea since your body is already going through a detox. So I will be starting it again this evening and will update this. : )
Update: I use a couple times a week and have noticed less bloating and a calming effect when wearing it. :)
Questions, thoughts, concerns? Leave below or send me a message.