The Best Diet to Follow
Read below to learn why calorie counting and diets don’t work.
How many diets have you tried?
How many times have you felt guilty about the food you ate?
How many times have you “fallen off” of the wagon?
Until about 3 years ago, I had tried every diet under the sun. I was living in a world of guilt, shame, and loneliness. I was unable to enjoy many celebrations because I was so fearful of what my body would do to me if I ate more than I “should”. We could dive deeper but instead of focusing on the past, how can we pause in the moment, and take action with love for our bodies for the future?
Once I took the steps to learn how to listen to my body and what it needed, I was able to be free, confident, and joyful with food. My relationship was full of nourishment instead of guilt!
Don’t get me wrong, I still have days where I overthink about my body and what it looks like. However, I am pretty sure my body doesn’t need my thoughts tormenting it, what is that serving? So I have learned to pause and ask myself, “What does my body need right now and what is actually going on”.
So in the below are a few tools that could work for you in order to transform your relationship with food and your beautiful body.
Before I went to Bauman College for therapeutic nutrition and worked at Equinox, I became certified with Precision Nutrition. This is one of my favorite articles that explain and proves why calorie counting doesn’t work.
I believe in the Precision Nutrition model because of a few core principles:
Instead of looking at food as being “good” or “bad”, let’s look at it as information for our bodies and how we want them to perform.
How much more do we want something when we can’t have it? If you choose to eat that delicious homemade cake, eat it slowly, and be present with that deep chocolate flavor. The cookie doesn’t have to be “bad”… Enjoying it is more beneficial for you body because stress + guilt slows down the metabolism.
Next, ask yourself how the food aligns with my goals and how I want my body to operate. Check in with yourself and ask your body what it needs and why.
Life is beautiful, it is meant to be celebrated… eat slowly, be present with each bite (actually taste the food), chew your food as if it was almost liquid
The calories in and calories out method can be true sometimes. However, if you are not present with your food and eating in front of a computer screen or TV, this can disrupt the digestive process. This can slow down your metabolism and cause digestive issues.
If we eat too quickly or with an absent mind we have a higher chance of overeating. Let’s re-learn our hunger cues.
When we eat slowly, we actually might not need the entire plate of food. Try it today!
A question I get asked quite frequently, What is the best diet?
The best diet is the one that works for YOU and YOUR LIFESTYLE
This includes your wants and needs!
Simple is key: Lots of vegetables, some high quality protein, some omega-3 fats, and some complex carbs.
Bottom line: The best diet to follow is the one that becomes a sustainable lifestyle that fits your unique goals.
If this resonates, let’s have a complimentary call and find something that works for you so you can transform your relationship with food and your body. Schedule it here.
How have diets worked for you in the past?
It isn’t your fault if the diets did not last!
See below why…
Bonus Reasons:
Diets can put stress on body mentally and physically, which reduces calorie burn and slows down metabolism.
Since it slows down metabolism it causes you to gain more weight later when you go back to your original eating patterns.
Body fat stores toxins and excess hormones. When you lose body fat the toxins recirculate and if they are not properly escorted out of the body then that will cause mental and physical discomfort, reverting us to old habits.
Intention is key. If you want to lose weight to fit a certain mold out of fear, shame, or guilt it can cause chaos downstream in the body. If losing body fat is important to you because you want more energy, confidence, and joy then success is more likely. Mindset is EXTREMELY important. What is YOUR WHY?