Could you be at risk? 

The body is constantly seeking balance. The most common imbalance for women is estrogen dominance. 

Most common contributing factors include:

1) Excess estrogen due to the hormones in food, estrogen-mimicking chemicals (think beauty products and cleaning supplies), birth control pills, excess body fat, and high-glycemic diet

2) Inability to detoxify/excrete estrogen due to low B vitamins, low-nutrient diet, fatty liver, constipation, caffeine intake

3) Insufficient progesterone due to high or ongoing stress (cortisol), luteal insufficiency, natural reduction from age 35-50, menopause, toxic exposure, and/or stress causing anovulation (recent or much earlier in life)

Estrogen dominance manifests in common modern hormone syndromes, diseases, and illnesses like Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), Premenopausal Syndrome (PS), highly-symptomatic perimenopausal and/or menopausal experience, Endometriosis, Fibrocystic Breast Disease (FBD), Breast/Uterine cancer 

Other symptoms can include:

  • Anxiety // Depression

  • Migraines 

  • Fatigue 

  • Insomnia

  • Irritability // Anger

  • Irregular menses and heavy bleeding

  • Low libido

  • Weight gain, specially in your hips, thighs and mid-section

  • Fibroids

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibrocystic Breasts and Gynecomastia in men

  • Infertility

  • PCOS

GOOD NEWS: The actions that can support estrogen dominance can also support other functions in the body: immune health, detox pathways, metabolism, and mood because the body’s systems are interconnected. 


  • Low glycemic, nutrient-dense diet, choose organic :) because they aren’t sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides that may disrupt your hormones

  • Avoid plastic containers and bottles: they contain xenoestrogens – natural or synthetic compounds that imitate estrogen, which causes toxicity and overload

    • Add fresh ground flax seeds, which can help support “healthy” estrogens in your body 

  • Lose body fat: body fat contains toxins + excess hormones, mainly estrogen

  • Reduce/eliminate caffeine

  • Eliminate dairy products and all conventionally-raised meat products

  • Clean up personal/household products (Check out EWG)

    • Those xenoestrogens are also commonly found in many cosmetics, hair, skin care and hygiene products. There isn’t any federal regulation on these items, which means you have to do your own research! I have some basic recommendations here.

  • Stress reduction: yoga, breathing techniques, optimal sleep, therapy. Sneak this quick technique in 1x/day and watch the changes unfold.

  • Eliminate constipation: bowel movements should be daily and easy to pass

  • Estrogen detoxification support

  • Iodine: try adding kelp sprinkles to your diet

  • Limit alcohol consumption

*Note: These are recommendations. Other specific recommendations can be made but each body is unique. If you think you may be experiencing estrogen dominance please feel free to contact me and we can work together to reach optimal wellness. :) 

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