Sleep Better + Wake Up Happier
Tired of being tired?! Learn HOW to get better sleep tonight and WHY it is important.
Many of my clients, friends, and family ask me about sleep. How to get more of it, how to get more energy, and what does “good” sleep even look like?
When you ask someone, “How are you doing?” How many times have you heard, “I’m okay but tired.”? One of the things we all have in common, is we need high quality sleep. In short, that is about 7-9 hours + waking up 2-3 times at most in the middle of the night is okay as long as you fall right back to sleep. So how do we get it and why do we actually need it?
How to get better sleep:
Sacred space
Create a relaxing bedroom. The only things you should do in your bedroom is sleep, have sex, read + meditate. As humans, we must train our mind that our bedroom is where we relax, not work. Your bedroom should be quiet, calm, organized, and free of anxiety-inducing clutter. This includes… turning off the news!
Note: Fear is immunosuppressive… Our perception creates our reality. What do you want yours to look like?
Make sure your room is as dark as possible! The skin picks up the light and disrupts melatonin production, the hormone that helps you fall asleep and stay asleep. To optimize melatonin production, cover your windows and turn your phone face-down - or airplane mode! Even a little light from a TV, charger, or white noise machine count, put dark tape over it.
Bedtime routine
Train your brain to sleep well by turning off electronics 30 minutes before bed because the artificial light interferes with production of melatonin. I encourage you to read, meditate, or do any activities that enhance the calm-down chemicals in your body. What brings peace to your mind + body?
Why sleep is so important:
Optimizes immune system
When we don’t sleep enough, T-cell production goes down and inflammation goes up
It promotes alertness, better memory, decision making, and focus
Think of the last time you did not get enough sleep, notice were you grabbing donuts + muffins or making yourself a nice veggie omelet? Lack of sleep leads to harder decision making, lack of energy, lower productivity, and disrupts appetite regulation
Enhances a good mood, stress levels, reduces anxiety + depression
We produce fresh neurotransmitters and regulate hormone production in our sleep. When there is an interference with this our stress is heightened, the regulation of our emotions will be impaired, and that can cause anxiety + depression.
So in order to have more energy, productivity, and joy we must sleep! It regulates all functions in the body so we can perform at our highest potential.
If you would like to learn more, I host group seminars on sleep + individual sleep programs. Click here to contact me and we will get you and the people you love sleeping like a baby in no time. :)