Holiday Struggle...

Struggle with balancing blood sugar? And now it is the holiday season!?

How to keep you blood sugar normal, energy high, and anxiety low.

Let’s face it, most of us have some kind of stress, anxiety and/or depression.

But how we handle it and manage it is what makes are day better or worse.

There is A LOT going on in the world so how to we protect our hearts, our family and our world? Keep reading.

Blood sugar will go UP if you are overloaded with stress, anxiety, life, etc… Yes, sugar and food can also spike it and so can stress.

When our blood sugar is off it can cause:

  • Anxiety

  • Poor mood

  • Depression

  • Hair loss

  • Fatigue

  • Brain fog

  • Dizziness

  • Anger

  • Annoyance

  • Shakiness

  • Excess body fat

  • Trouble losing weight

  • And more…

So how do we balance our blood sugar during the holidays when there is A LOT more going on and A LOT more delicious, heavy foods at hand?

  1. Set realistic expectations - If you want to enjoy this holiday season, you can. You just HAVE to set realistic expectations for yourself.

  2. Keep yourself in the driver seat - This is NOT the time to give up the things that keep you sane and healthy!

    • Drink your water

    • Eat your veggies

    • Go for walks

    • Workout with your trainer

    • Sleep

  3. Enjoy the things you love, ditch what you don’t - Be around the people you love most, eat the things you love most, do the things you love most…

    • If you don’t LOVE candy but it is around… DITCH IT and DITCH those people you don’t feel fabulous being around. Life is too short. Enjoy it doing, eating,  and being around the things & people you love. Pumpkin pie, homemade cookies, and close friends? SIGN ME UP!

  4. If you want to have more energy & less anxiety YOU HAVE TO DO THESE THINGS BETTER - You don’t have to be perfect.

    • Just better. I promise the holiday season will feel a whole lot better if you continue to take care of YOURSELF. Because when you are happy, that ripples (and visa versa) - don’t be Scrooge, be Frosty the Snowman!

      • Drink water daily (more water than coffee & wine)

      • Eat veggies with lunch & dinner

      • Move your body! Aim for at least 8k steps or a 30-minute workout OR BOTH!

      • SLEEP - Get your 7-9 hours if you want energy, you have to sleep!

      • Relax your shoulders - When your body tenses, it will cause inflammation, stress, and anxiety. So INSTEAD, relax your shoulders and breathe.

  5. Ask for help

    • Whether it is from a partner, your child, your co-worker, your friends, your family and/or me - you’ve built a community for support in the lows & highs, it is time to use it!

    • The holidays are not always easy for us. In fact, they may be the hardest time of the year. So this holiday season, I invite you to…

Ask for help

Set your boundaries

And instill something that will bring YOU joy

As always, I am here to help. Contact me if you would like a little extra loving support this holiday season.



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