Why is infertility on the rise?
A Personal Note + Myths and Truths
I will be covering something dear to my heart that drives me to empower women - the moon cycle – AKA the menstrual cycle. My own journey navigating fertility has consisted of many unsupportive healthcare providers and many highs and lows. I hope this can help you or someone you know to live an empowered, joyful life.
Feel free to skip to below for quick myths + truths about infertility and the wonderful fruit of the week!
From my experience with healthcare professionals, it is clear the focus is on treating symptoms rather than root causes, which can cause more problems down the road. Our society is focused on quick fixes, rather making appropriate lifestyle changes that are likely the real problem.
The reason I became a health and wellness coach spawned from my experience with the healthcare system. I have been to over six doctors in the last six years to help me with my irregular menstrual cycle. I was on birth control for nine years until I started learning more about the side effects and downstream dysfunction it can cause, namely, anxiety, gut issues, poor immune health, and infertility. This concerned me for many reasons.
I have been off the pill for seven years now and continue to search for answers. Why were doctors eager to put me back on the pill? Why didn’t they listen to my anxiety, fatigue, gut issues, and inconsistent periods? Why did they want to quickly prescribe drugs for my anxiety and at times, have the nerve to ask, “Why do you want your period? I’ve never met a woman who actually WANTS a period?” Followed by laughter.
My instincts told me I needed to listen to my body. I strongly believe your body is a reflection of the choices you make everyday. If it isn’t functioning optimally, isn’t there something else at play? Why are doctors looking at me like I am crazy for asking questions about MY OWN BODY AND HEALTH? Why aren’t they interested in knowing WHY I am feeling this way?
Out of frustration with doctors, I decided to take action. I began immersing myself in the world of hormones. I could not get enough – whether it was podcasts, books, going back to school to study functional medicine and holistic nutrition – I was hooked. My conviction that no one should feel crazy for asking questions about symptoms rather than simply taking a pill drove me to find answers.
Seven years later, by creating healthy habits for my body through a functional medicine lens my moon cycle has started to regulate, my digestive issues have subsided, and my energy is balanced. Of course, it has not always been easy - but just like life, the body is transient. Practicing self-compassion + understanding that each cycle reflects how I have been treating my body helps me navigate each day. It reminds me to work with my body, not against it. If some of these issues resonate with you I am happy to discuss in more detail – just let me know!
I can always go on… but ultimately, I do what I do because I believe everyone deserves to jump out of bed in the morning with vitality and joy. I believe everyone deserves to have the education to make choices that will nourish the mind + body. I believe everyone deserves to live a life they love without health + wellness limitations. Given my lack of success with doctors, I have chosen a path to educate and empower people about their bodies and fall in love with themselves again.
So right now, pause, listen to what the body needs, and then make choices that support it. What is your body asking from you
Given the length of this week’s manifesto, I kept the myths and truths short. For more scientific backing, please feel free to reach out and I will send LOTS of information!
MYTH: You do not need your period to get pregnant
TRUTH: Women need to ovulate to get pregnant; women need the right hormone balance to fertilize the egg for it to become an embryo. Thus, if you are not having a menstrual cycle, this cannot happen.
“Maisie Hill, a women’s health practitioner and the author of the forthcoming Period Power, says: ‘We know from research that women on the pill experience a reduction in ovarian volume and production of AMH – a hormone that’s tested to assess fertility – whilst they’re taking it, so it can take a while for the ovaries to regain function.” There is, she says, “an association between long-term pill use and a thin uterine lining, which is important, because a suboptimal endometrial thickness has a negative impact on your ability to conceive. The pill reduces absorption of vitamins and minerals that are essential for regular ovulation, as well as conceiving and sustaining a pregnancy.’” - Source
MYTH: I am getting my period, but I am on birth control
TRUTH: The hormones in birth control are synthetic and trick the body into a bleed in order to make the women feel more “normal.”
“Almost one in three women are reported to be taking the pill on the advice that it will regulate their periods. Again, the bleeds you experience on the pill are not menstruation. The fluctuating hormones, ovulation and menstruation that make up your menstrual cycle are suppressed and replaced by a steady, consistent stream of synthetic hormones (synthetic estrogen and progestin). The bleeds indicate your body’s response to the withdrawal of these synthetic hormones – a small amount of uterine lining builds up and then comes away. Some women may not experience a bleed at all, or only spotting.” - Source
MYTH: Getting your period is always painful
TRUTH: Getting your period should be easy. A few cramps or a little bloating but overall should come and go. Last about 4-7 days with consistent bleeding. If PMS is extreme that is your body telling you something is off.
MYTH: Menopause is HELL
TRUTH: Menopause may feel like hell, but it does not have to feel that way. It is opening what may have been overlooked the last forty+ years.
MYTH: Only women can be infertile
TRUTH: With infertility it is about 50% males and 50% females. So both women and men need to protect your DNA by supporting your sperm//eggs. Maximize antioxidant intake (organic fruits and vegetables), minimize stress levels, and prioritize an environment for creating a healthy, happy family.
Bottom Line: Listen to your body and educate yourself! Don’t settle for feeling “okay” or “fine”. Take charge of your health, ask questions to find what makes you feel optimal so you can jump out of bed with vitality and joy!