COVID - Nutrition to Support Healing

Although there is so much we may not know only about COVID but also about the body, here are some things I have found to help speedy healing, increase energy levels, bring taste & smell back to normal, and feel overall better.


Supplement with zinc (always ensure quality is high) has been shown to bring back smell & taste for clients

  • Zinc also supports the immune system, thyroid, nails, hair, and mood (think less anxiety)

  • Found in: Chicken, turkey, bison, shrimp, sunflower seeds

Vitamin C -

As Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Rose hips acid form is NOT recommended.

  • Vitamin C is a key nutrient in the healing of tissue

  • Found in: Bell peppers, strawberries, citrus fruits, and tomatoes

NAC (N-Acetylcysteine) -

Has been shown to support the body during and after COVID

  • Learn more about the benefits of NAC here.

Most important:

Going back to the basics. Foundations are the key for our body to stay in a constant healing environment.

Our body breaks down naturally each and every day. So we want to ensure we are giving it the proper care to revitalize. If you want energy, joy, high libido, peaceful mind, great immune system, healthy gut, and be pain-free… The below can not only help with repairing from COVID, it can also help with support the overall body so you can feel FANTASTIC every time you go to bed, wake up, and all day long.

  1. Hydration

    • Think: Water, yes! But… we can also get hydrated through adding vegetables, fruit and bone broth

    • Learn more here and how hydration supports immune health

  2. Nutrient support

    • Eat all the colors of the rainbow of fruits & veggies because that will provide the wide amount of nutrients you need

    • Healthy fats lubricate our body, including or immune system and reduces inflammation that we have post-COVID

    • High quality protein like chicken, bison, fish, etc… because it will have zinc as well as other nutrients and amino acids to support immune system and repair of tissues

  3. Ensure gut health is in check

    • We know over 2/3rds of our immune system is in the gut!

    • If you hare having gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heart burn, etc… time to take a look at that!

  4. REST

    • If you are tired, the body is begging for rest. So put aside tasks that can wait, ask for help, and give your body the TLC to heal. We can only heal in the relaxed nervous system mode.

Want to learn more, have more questions, or need more help? Feel free to comment below or contact me for a complimentary transformation call!

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